Wallpaper Walls WOWS!

"Figure we might sand the walls...don't think were going to do too much." - Joshua 9:15 a.m. Sunday 12/8/2013

Messy Rug!

Let me start by saying how I didn't honestly think we were going to do much this weekend to the Sassy Jason house. Started to think that we were going to take things nice and slow and move at our own leisurely pace as we started to renovate the house. Boy could I have not been anymore wrong!

Saturday was a wicked busy day day filled with stripping wallpaper wetting wallpaper and scraping falls down to the drywall. All surfaces in the Sassy Jason house were covered with wallpaper. Two of the rooms had two layers of wallpaper. Have to give it up to friends and family for all the help. With everyone's help with only have closets, and a small 5 foot section of wallpaper left to take off! (Plus the bathroom).

What worked

  • Have a bunch of people to help with the wallpaper was the biggest thing.
  • Scrappers
  • Water
  • A little soap
  • Wallpaper Steamer.
What I would consider for next time?

  • Using vinegar? The steamer used vinegar to run so I figure that it might be helpful to use that. We didn't buy any special formula just straight water scrappers and muscle.
  • Some parts were extremely difficult to remove but for the most part I am happy that is done!
After the wallpaper Sunday I thought we would just clean up and sand the walls get them ready to prime. Boy was I wrong! After an hour of removing wallpaper my father, my father-in-law and myself all started to smash down the dividing wall between the kitchen and the living room. Took about an hour so we then moved onto the kitchen cabinets. We got through about half of them we removed the oven in the process and disconnected the sink. Big stuff happening! Thanks for checking in!

Follow our renovation on Instagram @SassyJason20


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