Instant Success...
Want to be clear about this. No one is an instant success. The only people who have instant success are people who have worked long and hard to get to where they need and want to be in their lives. If you aren't willing to put in the work to get to where you want to be, expect to be where you are forever. You as a person need to be willing to grow, learn, and adapt to the best of your abilities. I think that this is one of the strongest things that we can do as human beings. I think that by allowing yourself to fail, learn, and grow only enables you to do it more. Fail and fail often. Learn to accept challenges and push yourself to your abilities.
I always make a to do list to start each day, and as successful as I feel those lists are at organizing myself I often find myself looking back at them and thinking that I could have gotten more done. I have started to look at to do lists as if they are lists that truly never get accomplished. What I need to begin doing is looking at what is my intention for the day, and build my own goals within that for a set period of time. To do lists should come from within the goals. They should help, and focus me into what is truly important to accomplish for the day.
These lists should not be solely focused on work. These goals should be looking at everything that you have to offer as a person. If you are looking at your goals as only you job then you are thinking too small. You should be striving to adapt and adjust your lists so that they make you a better person. To do lists should be more like "What am I lists". I think that these to do lists can ultimately define us and make it more difficult to get work done, than they are to actually accomplish.
So maybe then, goals and to do lists do cross over at some points throughout our lives. I think that this is important to distinguish and think about when you are accomplishing what you set out to do. Daily reminder that you are what you think about, talk about, and do. So make sure that you are being straight with all three of those items.
Build yourself up, help others, be the best person that you can be, don't let anyone get in your way. Rule your world.
I always make a to do list to start each day, and as successful as I feel those lists are at organizing myself I often find myself looking back at them and thinking that I could have gotten more done. I have started to look at to do lists as if they are lists that truly never get accomplished. What I need to begin doing is looking at what is my intention for the day, and build my own goals within that for a set period of time. To do lists should come from within the goals. They should help, and focus me into what is truly important to accomplish for the day.
These lists should not be solely focused on work. These goals should be looking at everything that you have to offer as a person. If you are looking at your goals as only you job then you are thinking too small. You should be striving to adapt and adjust your lists so that they make you a better person. To do lists should be more like "What am I lists". I think that these to do lists can ultimately define us and make it more difficult to get work done, than they are to actually accomplish.
So maybe then, goals and to do lists do cross over at some points throughout our lives. I think that this is important to distinguish and think about when you are accomplishing what you set out to do. Daily reminder that you are what you think about, talk about, and do. So make sure that you are being straight with all three of those items.
Build yourself up, help others, be the best person that you can be, don't let anyone get in your way. Rule your world.
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