
Showing posts from December, 2013

Ouch this really hurts!

via Instagram

Snow so Cold!

from Instagram via IFTTT


Wallpaper Walls WOWS!

"Figure we might sand the walls...don't think were going to do too much." - Joshua 9:15 a.m. Sunday 12/8/2013 Messy Rug! Let me start by saying how I didn't honestly think we were going to do much this weekend to the Sassy Jason house. Started to think that we were going to take things nice and slow and move at our own leisurely pace as we started to renovate the house. Boy could I have not been anymore wrong! Saturday was a wicked busy day day filled with stripping wallpaper wetting wallpaper and scraping falls down to the drywall. All surfaces in the Sassy Jason house were covered with wallpaper. Two of the rooms had two layers of wallpaper. Have to give it up to friends and family for all the help. With everyone's help with only have closets, and a small 5 foot section of wallpaper left to take off! (Plus the bathroom). What worked Have a bunch of people to help with the wallpaper was the biggest thing. Scrappers Water A lit...

Photos of the house!

Happy Friday Everyone! Happy Homeowners! Sweet Pergola  Outdated Kitchen! Tree Hunded At least four holly trees line the yard! Brown Monster What do we do with the smelly sunroom?

House Photos


First Post/First Days

"May you never be you messed up TONY!" - Germana Rodrigues Welcome to the blog everyone! I will be keeping a running blog with pictures and updates as we remodel and move forward with renovating the Sassy Jason House! Highlights so far for the house feature an outdated living room. Old kitchen, smelly sun room. And a ridiculous backyard! Don't think that this could be more exciting!  Background on me: I have never used a hammer before I don't enjoy yard work I don't think this is a good idea! (Joking of course)